Sunday, November 23, 2008

The First Doctor Visit

On October 17, we went for our first Doctor visit. You know, the one where they give you tons of information, ask you a bunch of questions about your family history, and do one last "pre-baby" exam. The most wonderful part was the ultrasound! They did an ultrasound to confirm the due date and make sure everything was looking good in there. We both shed a tear or two the first time we saw our baby! And we got to hear the heartbeat, which is the sweetest sound in the world! We found out that I am not quite as far along as I had thought. They said everything was normal, but the baby will be due 5 days later than I had thought. So, we will be looking for this beautiful critter to arrive in the world on June 10, 2009!

We're Gonna Have a Baby!

On September 29, 2008, we found out that I am pregnant! It was amazing because it was my birthday. We already had a big family dinner planned that night, so we decided to go ahead and tell the family, even though I was just over 4 weeks pregnant! The grandparents-to-be are ecstatic, of course, and we cannot wait!