Saturday, October 10, 2009

Wells rolled over - and mommy missed it!

Our big news is that Wells rolled over for the first time this morning! Unfortunately, I totally missed it! I stayed in bed while Bill went to get Wells from the crib, and he rolled from his tummy to his back to say hello to Daddy! I knew he was so close to doing it, and I am sad I missed it. I tried later to get him to do it again with no luck. In other news, we introduced rice cereal on Monday. People have been suggesting it as a way of getting Wells to sleep through the night again, and I finally caved in. I tried to feed him with a spoon, and it was hilarious! I don't think he actually ate more than half a spoonful! I laughed at him the whole time, but it sure was cute!

1 comment:

Kelly H said...

cute! banks was the same way, in the beginning he only ate like a spoonful. their reaction to new food is the best. fyi, banks liked the taste of oatmeal (which is the same texture as cereal) better, not sure why. i used to mix it up with the fruit/vegetable, which was even more appealing. Enfamil makes this new formula now called RestFull. It's supposed to keep them fuller longer at night.